Des Meth Capstone Progress Entry #1

Fern Fournier
2 min readMay 14, 2021
glove cat emmaline

What past school project have you enjoyed doing? Why?

My favorite past school projects have been projects that incorporate my interests beyond design. These include a publication about music, a zine about skateboarding, and a symbol set of the different types of fancy goldfish. I think it’s fun to create something based on a topic I have an interest for.

What past school projects have you not enjoyed doing? Why?

My least favorite school projects are anything related to animation. I hate animating because I find it very difficult to keep myself focused on anything that’s tedious. I wish I had the brain for animating but I hate After Effects and After Effects hates me.

What do you like the most about communication design? Why?

Being surrounded by creative and fun people. Creating.

Dinner for four — you and 3 people that you admire. Who’s invited? Why?

Me, my mother, my father, and my 2 sisters can fight over who gets to join. I like to have dinner with my family :)

What scares you the most about capstone?

Choosing something that I will end up not liking. Choosing something that will be too big for me to tackle. Losing interest over time in my selected topic.

What excites you the most about capstone?

Being able to focus on something that I am really interested in. Being almost done with school.

List three things that interest you beyond design?

Caring for animals, good and bad music, tattoos.

mind map

